So, you are probably wondering who is the genius who made this fabulous site. No? Oh well. Anyways, since you are already here, I might as well fill you in on the basics.

My name is Tracy Diane Earlenbaugh. I was born on February 18, 1984. I love computers, Mensur and epee fencing, paintballing, snorkeling, soccer, playing poker, and many other things that rot my mind (hellooooo Runescape!). I am pretty competitive, but I still am pretty laid-back. I admit I like to watch tv, but there aren't many good shows on now. I like to watch NCIS, Dexter, Good Eats, and House. Sometimes I will record other things on my dvr, like the Outer Limits, but I rarely get around to watching much. I am also a HUGE Macgyver fan, but I only can watch the DVDs of it that I own. They really should make a new Macgyver series...

Anyways, fast forward a bit. I graduated from Central-Hower High in 2002. During the last year of high school, I started working at the Carousel Dinner Theatre as technical running crew (a stagehand), and got to work with all sorts of cool things, like lighting, pyrotechnic safety, special effects(mostly Nitrogen fog), and computerized winch systems. I did that for almost 4 years, and loved it(except for the songs that inevitably got stuck in my head....or the flaming spears that were charged at me for 9 weeks straight...). For awhile after I stopped working there full-time, I still filled in as a spotlight op or crew if someone needed time off. I also worked at the Akron Zoological Park for a summer. Most days I gave pony rides, which were fun, except those ponies were the incarnation of evil itself sometimes (not as much as goats however!) :). I learned quite a bit about public relations there! Oh yeah, did I mention on weekend nights I mucked 35 stalls at a stable??? Ahhh...the good life. After that I worked Residential Security for Kent State University. Mostly, I dealt with beer issues and loud screaming at 3 am, but I got to help with an occasional drug bust or fight. Not great, but the hours let me sleep in, as well as letting me walk around and socialize with friends. After that, I worked for Fleet Services as a student mechanic/secretary/detailer/you-name-it. That was fun. I mean, where else can you drive police cars and all sorts of other vehicles? It was also good that I worked there, because I learned enough to keep my poor little 13 year old car in working condition. In the spring of 2006, I worked as an intern at the Office of the Secretary Defense, in the press office.

I graduated from Kent State University in 2006. While still in college, I spent one semester studying in Geneva, Switzerland. There, I held an internship with the World Alliance of Reformed Churches, where I was responsible for working on their website. That semester was the best of my life, as I got to travel all over Europe, and got to see things like the trial of Slobodan Milosevic. Another semester I participated in the Model NATO in Washington. Over that summer I interned with the Akron Council on World Affairs. Mostly though, I dedicated most of my time to fencing with Kent State and trying to win a few tourneys! My final internship was in Washington DC with the Office of the Secretary of Defense, as mentioned above. I majored in International Political Science with a minor in North Atlantic Security Studies.

My goal in life is still pretty undetermined. I would love to retire at 30, but unless one of my investments gets really lucky, that ain't gonna happen. I'll settle with having a decently fun job and lots of cool hobbies. After graduation, I worked for a defense contractor (DTI). After that, I worked for the International Tax and Investment Center. Currently, I have a pretty sweet gig as a contractor for DoD's Tricare.


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Last Updated: April 16, 2008